Chapter 1
It’s just good business : the new rules
- The New Reporting Rules
- Reporting in Action
- SDGs, a Book & Insight
Chapter 2
The impact of film production
- The 4 Impact Areas
- Real productions’ impacts
- A quick science lesson
Chapter 3
Improvement measures
- AdGreen
- Meet the Calculator
- Carbon-Calc’ Top-tips
Chapter 4
Theory to Practice
- Sustainable Filming Guidelines
- Your Tier 3 Emissions
- Production Checklists
Chapter 5
For Events | The only show in town
- Events Carbon Calculator
- Report, Roadmap & Action Plan
- ISO 20121 & Top Tips
Chapter 6
Sustainable at heart
- DIY a simple sustainability policy
- Meet B Corp and ISO 14001
- Closer look at certification
Chapter 7
B Corp: in depth
Chapter 8
ISO 14001: in depth
Chapter 9
Putting it all to work
- Five steps to success
- Real-life stories & advice
- Tell the world all about it